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A policy is written with Common Expression Language (CEL) expressions to determine on which connections it is applicable. Each policy expression must evaluate to true in order for the policy's actions to take effect against a connection.


Attributes of the connection are exposed on the conn struct. The following variables are available using this struct:


Attributes of the connection are exposed on the conn struct. The following variables are available using this struct:

conn.ClientIPstringThe source IP of the TLS connection to the ngrok endpoint.
conn.Geo.CountryCodestringThe two-letter ISO country code based on the client IP.
conn.Geo.LatitudestringThe approximate latitude based on the client IP.
conn.Geo.LatLongRadiusKmstringThe radius in kilometers around the latitude and longitude where the client IP is likely to originate.
conn.Geo.LongitudestringThe approximate longitude based on the client IP.
conn.TLS.CertCNstringThe subject common name of the leaf TLS certificate
conn.TLS.CipherSuitestringThe cipher suite negotiated on the connection.
conn.TLS.SNIstringThe Server Name Indication extension sent.
conn.TLS.VersionstringThe TLS Version used on the connection.


The source IP of the TCP connection to the ngrok endpoint as a string.

- "conn.ClientIP in ['::1', '']"


The two-letter ISO country code based on the client IP.

- "conn.Geo.CountryCode != 'US'"


The approximate latitude based on the client IP.

- "double(conn.Geo.Latitude) >= 45.0"


The radius in kilometers around the latitude and longitude where the client IP is likely to originate.

- "conn.Geo.LatLongRadiusKm <= '20'"


The approximate longitude based on the client IP.

- "double(conn.Geo.Longitude) <= -93.0"


The subject common name of the leaf TLS certificate.

- "conn.TLS.CertCN.startsWith('example')"


The cipher suite negotiated on the connection.

- "conn.TLS.CipherSuite.contains('SHA256')"


The Server Name Indication extension sent.

- "conn.TLS.SNI.startsWith('domain')"


The TLS Version used on the connection.

- "conn.TLS.Version.contains('1.3')"